When HAEI is situated in one State and having lease land within a 5 KM area of the adjoining State. Is college under such condition eligible for accreditation?
As per guidelines for accreditation, lease lands, irrespective of States, either home state or adjoining neighbouring state and distance from the main campus, are not considered for accreditation from ICAR. Only duly registered land with the local revenue department (instructional farm and facilities) having ownership in the name of college or the owner trust/society will be considered for accreditation.
Whether physical form of application is considered for accreditation.
Applications submitted in the portal https://accreditation.icar.gov.in in online mode are only
considered for accreditation.
When an HAEI apply for accreditation for more than one college and programmes, under such condition, whether HAEI should deposit multiple accreditation fees as much the number of colleges and programmes
If the university is applying for more than one colleges there is no need for submit multiple number of accreditation fee as with the number of colleges. Only one accreditation fee of 3.0 lakh +GST is required. In case the University is applying for more than one programmes, then only one accreditation fee of 2.0 lakh+ GST is requirement
What are the essential criteria for programme accreditation?
Department- wise teaching and non-teaching staff, academic infrastructure, including class rooms and laboratories, and instructional farm/facilities, as mentioned in Deans’ Committee/BSMA/VCI guidelines, are considered as essential criteria for accreditation. HAEIs should ensure availability of essential requirement.
Whether Colleges and Programmes are also awarded Grading in accreditation?
Only Agricultural Universities are awarded Grading (A+, A, B, C) for accreditation. Colleges and programmes are not awarded Grading. Scoring of Programmes are made to decide its qualification for accreditation, whereas, scoring of colleges are made to decide its qualification of accreditation as well as to calculate Over all Grade Point Average of the University.
What is the period of accreditation?
Accreditation is granted only for a period of five years. However, in case of agricultural universities falling under C Grade, they are initially granted accreditation for a period of two years. Such universities have to submit ATR on the observations made by the Board. Considering the ATR, accreditation may further be considered for full remaining period.
Whether conditional accreditation is allowed?
Conditional accreditation is not allowed.
Whether guidelines for accreditation of Private and Government colleges are different?
All colleges and programmes, irrespective of their affiliation and management, associated with public or private sector, are assessed for accreditation with uniform and common guidelines.
Whether land (instructional farm) in the name of Trustees will be considered for accreditation?
Functional Land, having record of distinctive land use pattern and area as explained in V Deans’ Committee Reports , in the name of College/University/Trust/Society, as per local revenue records, will only be considered for accreditation. Land in name of Trustee/Chairman/any other party/individual will not be considered for accreditation.
What are the essential documents from private colleges/universities required for accreditation?
Essential documents are
• 2(f) or equivalent certificate from UGC.
• Approval of State or Central Regulatory Authority, if any, for agricultural and allied sciences colleges including Veterinary Sciences.
• Valid affiliation certificate in case college is affiliated to degree awarding university.
• Approval of degree programmes by UGC in case of Deemed Universities.
• Implementation of Deans Committee, BSMA and VCI recommendations.
• Any other documents, on case to case basis, recommended by NAEAB.
Whether Universities can change degree nomenclature and number of courses after approval of LoI/IEA?
Universities should strictly adhere with the information provided in LoI/IEA during entire process of accreditation including self-study reports. Any change in information is not allowed after receiving letter to submit Self Study Reports. Universities, however, can align the degrees nomenclature as per recommendations of BSMA well before visit of Peer Review Teams and present the notification of AC/BoM to the Committee for consideration
If HAEI is not accredited by NAEAB then what is the time period for submitting appeal for reconsideration and/or submitting a new application?
HAEIs can submit appeal for reconsideration just after receiving the letter/notification from the Board. New application can also be summitted as and when criteria for accreditation is fulfilled.